Heading to DLD Tel Aviv? Here Is How You Can Win This Amazing Conference


If you’re an investor/entrepreneur/speaker  heading DLD Tel Aviv this week, meeting with lots of people: from investors to partners, press and others – you are going to have a very busy week. DLD is a big conferences, which holds lots of opportunities. Doing it right could open the right doors for you, and on the other hand – it could be an overwhelming experience. 

On top of all those small little things you need to make sure you have (chargers, comfortable shoes and tons of business cards), you also need to capture everything that happens, make sure you are not missing any important event and in short – be on top of things. 

Here is how 24me  Smart Personal Assistant can help you make the most out of DLD Tel Aviv Conference:

24me Calendar

A LOT is going on. Investors that you have been in touch for long time and that you are finally going to meet face to face, potential partners that you would like to establish connections with, media and press and other people that could help you grow your startup. Meeting with bunch of of people in different locations of the conference, in different times, could be really hard. The people you are most likely want to meet with are usually packed with meetings and other commitments, and sometimes they even decide in the very last moment about other tempting venues. So how would you make it happen and meet with them?

First, put all meeting in 24me calendar, and share it with the person that you meeting with, and in this case – the sooner is better!  That’s how you are increasing the chances that the meeting will take place. Provide in the meeting invite all the data needed, from time that you are meeting, your mobile phone number and the place that you are planned to meet. Highlighted in the subject of the meeting your name and your company so there will always be a context.



In addition, make sure you put in 24me calendar all the important events you don’t want to miss including parties and other network events. If you are invite to events, RSVP so it would appear on your schedule .There are lots of distractions around, and 24me provides you with a personalized dashboard to navigate between all different events.

24me Tasks

So you are meeting with lots of interesting people, and lots of action items have taken: from information that need to be sent, to follow ups for next steps.

Track all the things you need to do in 24me Task Manager. Assign due dates for tasks so it will will keep you in the context of the conference. We also suggest to create a new label called ‘DLDTLV’, so will be easier for you to track and manage everything. If there are tasks you need to share with your team, 24me allows you to do so by sharing tasks with a group of people, giving you and your team the option to be fully synced.

IMG_2589         IMG_7532

The sooner you would accomplish all tasks and action items, the better you would perform in front of the people you’ve met with. There’s nothing more impressive than someone that is on top of things who tracks and delivers on time.

24me Notes

If you ever visited big conferences before, you are probably familiar with this feeling post the conference where there’s small mountain on your desk full of business cards, and now a new game comes to play – who is that person? why do I have this business card and what the hell have we spoken about? People tell us that in a typical conference they get between 20 to 120 business cards. But what’s the context of each?



Using 24me smart notes is perfect for this usecase. Take a screenshot of the Business card, with a short summary of the person you have just met, and all relevant information. Define a due date for this note, as if you just created a meeting summary that is actionable. Notes with due dates will appear on your calendar (colored in yellow). 24me notes is a great solution for the things you don’t want to forget.

Remember, the power is not only with attending and schmoozing with people, the best performing people are the ones who use the opportunities those kind of conferences provide, track and execute everything post conference, and follow up with people to create the best results for their businesses.

If you have great tips and advice, please share it in the comments below.



24me Smart Personal Assistant is available on the App Store and Google Play

24me for iPhone users

24me for Android users

Introducing 24me Forecast, The First Calendar To Have a Full Year Weather Outlook

24me - WP - 21.5.15 - animated gif+silnet button


What if planning ahead an event based on weather was simple. So simple that you could plan ahead for the next full year, knowing what would be the weather every day.

Introducing Forecast, weather outlook for the next 365 days on 24me‘s calendar.

Forecast is powered by an exclusive partnership with WeatherPlanner , which built a sophisticated long range forecast technology Fortune 500 companies have used for more than 60 years to optimize spend and inventory decisions.

With Forecast you can now plan ahead a perfect day for your vacation, family event, sports event, or any other special event in your life.

Say hello to a new world of planning!

24me For Apple Watch Is Available Now- The Award Winning Personal Assistant On Your Wrist



24me is one of the first apps available on Apple Watch, providing a full Personal Assistant experience on your wrist.

Designed by a team of user experience experts, we carefully crafted how to bring your most important information to the watch while you are on the go.

24me Location and Notification screens for Blog postPLAY


24me on Apple Watch brings all the power and elegance of 24me to your wrist. It is connected to your calendar, tasks, notes, your personal accounts and iPhone Reminders, and creates a timeline of your personal schedule for the day, with personalized notifications about the things you care most. Like a real personal assistant, 24me helps you be more productive and efficient so you get more out of every moment.

24me for Apple Watch is ready for Apple’s Watch launch today – April 24th. 

You are more than welcome to download it now.


Thank You, 

The 24me Team.

Heading to SXSW? Here Is How You Can Win Mega Tech Conference South By Southwest

SXSW sign

If you’re an entrepreneur heading to SXSW this week, meeting with tons of people: from investors to partners, press and others – you are going to have one of a hell busy week. SXSW is a massive conferences, which holds lots of opportunities. Doing it right could open the right doors for you, and on the other hand – it could be an overwhelming experience. 

On top of all those small little things you need to make sure you have (chargers, comfortable shoes and tons of business cards), you also need to capture everything that happens, make sure you are not missing any important event and in short – be on top of things. 

Here is how 24me  Smart Personal Assistant can help you make the most out of SXSW:


24me Calendar

A LOT is going on. Investors that you have been in touch for long time and that you are finally going to meet face to face, potential partners that you would like to establish connections with, media and press and other people that could help you grow your startup. Meeting with bunch of of people in different locations of the conference, in different times, could be really hard. The people you are most likely want to meet with are usually packed with meetings and other commitments, and sometimes they even decide in the very last moment about other tempting venues. So how would you make it happen and meet with them?

First, put all meeting in 24me calendar, and share it with the person that you meeting with, and in this case – the sooner is better!  That’s how you are increasing the chances that the meeting will take place. Provide in the meeting invite all the data needed, from time that you are meeting to the place that you are planned to meet. Highlighted in the subject of the meeting your name and your company so there will always be a context.


In addition, make sure you put in 24me calendar all the important events you don’t want to miss including parties and other network events. If you are invite to events, RSVP so it would appear on your schedule .There are lots of distractions around, and 24me provides you with a personalized dashboard to navigate between all different events.


24me Tasks

So you are meeting with lots of interesting people, and lots of action items have taken: from information that need to be sent, to follow ups for next steps.

Track all the things you need to do in 24me Task Manager. Assign due dates for tasks so it will will keep you in the context of the conference. We also suggest to create a new label called ‘SXSW’, so will be easier for you to track and manage everything. If there are tasks you need to share with your team, 24me allows you to do so by sharing tasks with a group of people, giving you and your team the option to be fully synced.


The sooner you would accomplish all tasks and action items, the better you would perform in front of the people you’ve met with. There’s nothing more impressive than someone that is on top of things who tracks and delivers on time.


24me Notes

If you ever visited big conferences before, you are probably familiar with this feeling post the conference where there’s small mountain on your desk full of business cards, and now a new game comes to play – who is that person? why do I have this business card and what the hell have we spoken about? People tell us that in a typical conference they get between 50 to a few hundreds of business cards. But what’s the context of each?


Using 24me smart notes is perfect for this usecase. Take a screenshot of the Business card, with a short summary of the person you have just met, and all relevant information. Define a due date for this note, as if you just created a meeting summary that is actionable. Notes with due dates will appear on your calendar (colored in yellow). 24me notes is a great solution for the things you don’t want to forget.


Remember, the power is not only with attending and schmoozing with people, the best performing people are the ones who use the opportunities those kind of conferences provide, track and execute everything post conference, and follow up with people to create the best results for their businesses.


If you have great tips and advice, please share it in the comments below.



24me Smart Personal Assistant is available on the App Store and Google Play

AppStore link

Google Play

Procrastinators, rejoice! 24me Procrastination Fighter is here to keep your New Year’s resolutions

New year resolutions

I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do – the day after.” ― Oscar Wilde

Identify with this quote? This is the right place for you! Come and learn how to fight one of the biggest problems that plagues every one of us.

The art of procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference of more urgent ones. It could even be doing more pleasurable things in place of less desirable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time or, the “last minute” before the deadline.

How does it affect our lives? And why is it one of the best ways to ensure failure, or at least sabotage our level of success? Research show that procrastination makes people feel weak, useless, and helpless. In addition, 1 in 5 people procrastinate so badly that it may be jeopardizing their jobs, their credit, their relationships and even their health. According to Pies Steel, a human resources professor at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, 95% of the population procrastinates at times, with 20% being chronic offenders. As it is shown, every one of us procrastinate at some point in our lives but we have some very good news! We can help you fight it and overcome it by adopting some simple steps. First of all, be honest, admit you have a problem and REALIZE that you procrastinate. The second step is to figure out WHY you procrastinate. The third step is where we come into the picture! Ready to overcome procrastination and get things done, not tomorrow, but today? 24me has the perfect solution waiting just for you!

1. Procrastination Fighter


With the new year knocking on our doors, everyone is making their own New Year’s resolution. Here is a great way to keep it: 24me  is out with a New Year’s treat, “Procrastination Fighter” – a smart algorithm that fights procrastination by learning the user’s behavior, looking for open slots in the calendar, and kicking butt by sending a notification with the right time to complete overdue tasks. The new version offers another great feature for the new year:  “Personalized Calendar” –  customize your calendar with your own photos.

2. Customized Calendar


A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ― Karen Lamb

 So stop procrastinating and download 24me NOW!

When Are You Most Productive?


coffee  - free photos



Did you know that everyone is more productive at different hours? This is a problem everyone from Steve Jobs to Joe the Plumber has attempted to solve. Even though we still divide ourselves into morning people and night owls everybody feels most productive at different hours. Not only that, what is most surprising is that the hours we are most active have little to do with are sleeping habits or work hours. So, when are you really at your most productive? That’s a hard question to answer because the productivity times of differs from person to person.

What we do know is that you cannot add hours to the day and that it is important to recognize when you are at you most productive to take advantage of those hours. Luckily most people are able tell when they are at their most productive.

Still, it is true that some people are the paragon morning person or night owl yet, most people fall somewhere in between.  Now for all you night owls working the morning shift or early birds working the night shift there are ways to remain productive. One method is to do jumping jacks (other exercises are available) to help increase productivity and another is to schedule your day around your energy cycle. However, the best method is coffee, lots of coffee.

How about you? Leave us your comment below and tell us what time you feel the most productive.

Post was written by By Tommy Siedner, Marketing intern at 24me.


24me 3.2.0 is here! A better, Smarter Personal Assistant


Iphone 6 with new design updated

In the past few weeks we were working on a new update to 24me, which is now available on the AppStore (download here). This version supports iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, has many improvements, enhanced design and faster performance.

24me gives you one place to manage all your meetings, tasks, notes and real life accounts in one place, helping you to be on top of things in a simple and intuitive way.

We have been listening to your feedback, and many of these improvements come as a direct result of you telling us your experience with 24me.  So please keep the feedback coming!

If you are enjoying 24me, I would be happy if you could please leave your comments and reviews on the AppStore.



Co-Founder and CMO

www.twentyfour.me | @my24me | www.facebook.com/my24me


What St. Patrick’s Has To Do With Group Assignments

Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to plan group projects?  I used to spend more time planning all of my group work than actually doing it.  That was before I discovered 24me and everything changed.  I now have a calendar that enables me to create, share, and discuss events in seconds rather than hours, and I can share tasks with my other group members so that each person knows exactly what part they need to do.


As I returned from midterms and spring break this week, I found myself needing to catch up on group work.  For all of my group meetings, the process is simple.  I create an event and invite my group members and post a note asking them what times are convenient for them.  After I receive enough feedback, I set the time and the event is automatically placed on our calendars.  Because the event is placed on everyone’s calendar, they will know if they are available instantly.


Just scheduling the meeting is not enough: we need to make sure that everyone is prepared and has done their part.  To do this, we can create and share tasks with each other.  I can even monitor my teammates’ progress by seeing if they have crossed the task off of their to-do list as completed.  For my teammate who is admittedly forgetful, I am able to add a reminder to his tasks.  24me definitely helped take the some of the stress out of this busy week.


Now on to some more fun stuff, my St. Patty’s Day Pregame.  24me is helpful for much more than just organizing schoolwork.  Here is a step-by-step breakdown of creating my event and the features 24me offers:


After naming the event, these are the options in the menu for the event.


I can pick a date and time…


Set the location…


Write a note with more information…


And finally, invite my friends…


If my friends don’t know how to find my apartment, they can click GO and use Waze, Google Maps, or Apple Maps to get there…


And now, the event is on all of our calendars

calendar view

The post was written by Ross Gusler.


How 24me Saved Me From My Mother’s Rage


Prior to this year I never had to worry about missing a meeting, doctor’s appointment, or important family birthday. Mom would take care of it all for. But time flies and now that I am a student at the University of Michigan, all of these are harder to remember but just as important. No longer can I stare at the large family calendar in the kitchen to know what each day holds, and no longer can I rely on my mother to give me friendly reminders of what I need to do each day to avoid missing important events.

College life is so hectic, and with the rigorous course work and large social scene, my mind can be very forgetful. To help combat this, I rely on 24me. Between the reminders and checklists, 24me has become my actual savior, and the most evident example of this occurred just the other day when I almost forgot about my mother’s birthday.

Luckily, I was reminded of mom’s birthday two days in advance because of 24me, and upon receiving my reminder, I bought her a gift from the “send a gift” option that is within the app itself. Today, I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday, but before I could even wish her a happy birthday she was raving about the gorgeous flowers I had sent to her.

24me saved me from my mother’s rage, and made it so much easier for me to be involved in celebrating my mother’s birthday despite being far away from home.


The post was written by Zach Levin, A student at Michigan University.

Zach Levin

24me Adds “Assistants for Everyone” to it’s beautiful than ever calendar


What if  your task list and calendar were smarter and contextual, understand its content, and get you real-life solutions to get rid of the different annoying tasks and errands you are procrastinating?

The Future is here, with the new version of 24me!

Today, February 24th 2014, we are announcing  “Assistants For Everyone”, which is going to be available in beta in USA.

“Assistants for Everyone” is enabled per task content. So if you write a task: “Clean my House” – 24me adds a completion button and will suggest a cleaner to help you get rid of that. 24me offers all type of assistants, from cleaners to clean the house, delivery service to pick packages and take aways, shopping, Handymen, Research, Office/Admin, etc.

“Assistants for Everyone” helps people to break the cycle of procrastination and willpower exhaustion by automating the things they were putting off.

24me - 2 - an errand task

24me - 3 - activating an errand task  24me - 4 - outsoucing a cleaning task from the calendar


Other new features in this version are Calendar Agenda and Month view, that can activated from the right hand side of the top bar:

24me - 7 - List view with task completion buttons and recurring events 24me - 5 - New Month view with task completion buttons 24me - 5 - new Agenda-List view with task completion buttons

So let’s start doing the things we really love to do!

Get the new 24me version Today!