24me Embraces Diversity

Diversity is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days. According to a research done by Forbes Insight, 48% of the survey respondents strongly agree that a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to encouraging different perspectives and ideas that drive innovation.

At 24me, it’s our company mission to embrace diversity. But what does it really mean? It means being open to different ideas, backgrounds and cultures. It means being willing to learn from others who have different perspectives than you do. It means celebrating the differences between people. Diversity cultivates acceptance of the mix of genders, cultures, and nationalities. Diversity is more than just an idea – it’s an asset to any organization that embraces it.

By bringing together people who are different from each other, we can accomplish more as a team. That’s why we have and continue to assemble such a special team. Our diverse team has members from countries like Ukraine, Austria, Armenia, Kenya and Israel who have been working together for years. 

We believe that being a part of a diverse team allows for a more open mind. The various religions, cultures and backgrounds in our team give us the opportunity to think differently and more innovatively. Diversity helps us understand how time management is being perceived in different cultures, and what’s important to emphasize while working on new features related to the schedule.

It helps us build a product that is suitable and available worldwide due to the simple fact that each individual on our team brings their own aspects and thoughts that are influenced by their culture and background. This opens up a lot more opportunities for our product to stand out and provide a better experience for our users. 

Aside from increasing innovation, open mindedness, higher accomplishment and better decision making, diversity increases creativity as a result of numerous perspectives. Overall, it leads to a higher employee engagement rate. 

Diversity is a vital aspect in the workplace and in our daily lives. It benefits us in many ways and helps us grow. 24me always embraces and welcomes diversity. For this coming international day of cultural diversity, we wish you to enjoy the benefits of diversity.
We would love to hear from you: what do you think about diversity? Do you work in a diverse team? Write us your thoughts in the comments below.

With Love ❤️

The 24me team.